Russian music

Monday, October 10, 2011

Digital Collection of Russian Music

"Memory of Russia," is a project from 2005 which the Russian State Library has been digitizing their rare and valuable printed music from the first half of the nineteenth century. They are discovering works of great art in design and also finding that little of this music has been reprinted since that time. This project will make available to users a greater breadth of Russian music and history than has been hitherto available.

Russian music comes to Big city

New York's famous Carnegie Hall begins its 120th season on October 5  with a Russian program played by the Mariinsk Orchestra led by conductor Valery Gergiev. Back in 1891 the fall season was opened by Tchaikovsky who conducted the orchestra playing his music. The program running from October 5 to 11 will be performed by Valery Gergiev and  the Mariinsky Orchestra accompanied by US star cellist Yo-Yo Ma and  a 20-year-old Russian pianist Denis Trifonov